Christmas Spirit
There is a reason why they call this the busy-bustling shopping season. People are geared up and in the shopping mood, looking for gifts for the important people in their lives. And some are just looking for items and art to decorate and transform their homes into their own cozy wintery wonderland. This is not only a busy season for shoppers, but for artists as well. This time of the year artists are busy working in their studios; completing commissioned orders, and frantically getting inventory up for local shops and Holiday shows before Christmas and Hanukkah.
I am halfway through the holiday sales season (two more shows to go), and I have a list of commissions to finish for customers within the next week and a half. So currently, I am busy, busy, busy, but really looking forward to a nice relaxing Christmas with my family and friends.
If you are in the Boston area and are able to make it to my last two shows: the Bazaar Bizarre at the Cylcorama next Sunday or CRAFT BOSTON Holiday sale also at the Cyclorama the following weekend, you just might have the opportunity to snag one of these fun Christmas ornaments. (See my “Events” page for show dates and times.)
To accompany the ornaments, I have made a limited number of small trays with similar imagery. The chicken portrait ornaments are new, and I will post photos of the chicken trays as soon as they come out of the kiln. Below is the drawing of the chicken before I made it into a silk screen. Enjoy this shopping season!